Constr. has begun
The sale of apartments in 38 Gundulićeva St. has begun. Complete offer of the apartments can be seen on the page ‘Apartments’.
The sale of apartments in 38 Gundulićeva St. has begun. Complete offer of the apartments can be seen on the page ‘Apartments’.
The sale of garage spaces in Miše Dimitrijevića St. has begun. Complete offer of garage spaces can be seen on the page ‘Apartments’.
Construction works are finished on the building in number 9 Zlatne grede St. in the center of the city.
Last chance to get real estate for yourself in our new building at 3-5 Lasla Gala St. There is only one three-bedroom apartment left, size 133.91m2.
Construction in 36 Heroja Pinkija St. has begun. Sketches of apartments and retail shops can be seen on page 'Apartments'.
Construction of building in number 3-5 Lasla Gala St. has begun. Sketches of apartments can be seen on page 'Apartments'.
All apartments, retail shops and garages in our building in number 46 Heroja Pinkija St. are sold out.
All apartments, retail shops and garages in our building at 34-36 Gundulićeva St. are sold out. New number for this building is 30-32.
Construction of building in 46 Heroja Pinkija St. has begun. Sketches of apartments and retail shops can be seen on page 'Apartments'.
Construction of building in 34-36 Gunduliceva St. are almost done. Take the opportunity and insure yourself a real estate in this building.
All the apartments, retail shops and garages in our building in number 3 Lava Tolstoja St. on Grbavica are sold.
Construction on the building in 10 Lasla Gala St. has started. You can see sketches on 'Apartments' page.
Just two month after finishing the construction work on the building in number 3 Lava Tolstoja St., it is registered and all the owners can be registered.
Construction works are finished on the building in number 3 Lava Tolstoja St. in quiet part of Grbavica.
From June 2022, in the offer of company Vaer Engineering there is also a garage building with parking places in Miše Dimitrijevića St.
Since October 2023, in the offer of company Vaer Engineering there is new residential and commercial building in 38 Gundulićeva St.
Since December 2021, in the offer of company Vaer Engineering there is residential and commercial building in 2 Cara Dušana St.